Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Radioshack Return Policy Without No Receipt

The Risorgimento in Pens: The De Caesaris

the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy was handed a medal to Prof. Greek candidates for lectures on the role of Penne Clemente De Caesaris in Risorgimento . Clemente De Caesaris is in fact called the Garibaldi d'Abruzzo.

The medal depicts a lion's head, which recalls the monument dedicated to the Martyrs Pennesi of the Risorgimento, in this twentieth Piazzetta Penne in September, while the 8 bits tactile edge medal recall the number of martyrs (of grain but also Rosario, ranging shelled "one", to recognize and act) and the motto will benefit remember and never forget visible here ... well the history of the motto can be found within this post ... enjoy!
Medal by Professor Mario Costantini molded and cast by Professor Antonacci at the art school in Penne
Draft of the family Caesaris De Penne : at home De Caesaris, since 1814 there was talk "sales", not as we understand it, like the housewives gathered for the sale of cookware or vacuum cleaners, no: De Caersaris home met the Carbonari, belonging to the Societa 'Secret Carbonari said, made up of people who opposed the Bourbon regime, dominant at the time.

In 1837 began to pen a movement against the Bourbon organized by Mazzini. One of the leaders of the revolt was Domenico De Caesaris, which fortunately escaped. Pens repression was tough because eight insurgents were shot in Teramo, and in memory of this tragic event we see today the monument in Piazza XX Settembre Pens. The monument was erected in 1913 and the lion is Pasquale Morgante. The inscription reads: Pennesi the Martyrs of 1837 defenders of freedom and independence of Italy .

The nephew of Dominic, Clemente De Caesaris, born in 1810, when they burst the insurgency was in Veneto, but suspected that someone had played an important role in the design of the revolutionary movement: how to say, bad blood does not lie!
When he returned to Abruzzo, wrote with charcoal in his bedroom in Tannery Tavo on three dates: July 23, 1837, the day the revolt broke out, September 20, 1837, the day that the military commission issued the eight death sentences, and September 21, 1837, the day the sentence was carried out in Teramo. 3 dates added to the motto: will be helpful to remember and never forget .
Because of the suspicions which I mentioned earlier, March 7, 1838 he was arrested and in the prisons of Teramo. It is considered an accomplice and his uncle Domenico Nicola's father (as you can see, my theory on the poor family has some basis), and for this he was tried, for whom he wrote a self, now unfortunately lost. He was declared innocent, but this does not put his head in place: the protagonist of the 1848 uprising was rushing to the capital on March 30 and writing from there to his brother Achille why send as many Pennesi enlist. The revolt broke out in May, made the barricades with his uncle Domenico, MP, and his cousin Antonio. When the motion failed, managed to escape through the sewers with their peers and family members.
On July 1, 1849 he was arrested with his father, uncle, cousin (her brother Achille went to the bush) septuagenarian with her grandmother, mother and aunt. If women were soon freed, Clement was taken to jail in Teramo, where he composed his second self-defense, also lost. This time she went seriously wrong, because on November 29, 1850 was sentenced to eight years in irons with his cousin Antonio.
Clemente combination of the other, but that's another story ...

I ventured to draw from:
  • For the coin images and considerations Mario Costantini, Guido Delle Monache on Facebook
  • For information about Clemente De Caesaris and his "cronies worthy": "De Clemente Caesaris - Life, works and fights for the Unification of Italy ", Edition for the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, Greek Candide; "Pens: palaces, elegance, nobility, nature, heroism" of ins. Lina Fernanda Marcotullio Frattaroli and in collaboration with the class B fourth and fifth A - AA 1987/88 School of Charles think of Penne.

C Section Incision Opened A Little

It was the "Day of the swallow"

was not chosen by chance one day to welcome allerondini. Those of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park with the town and the high diMarciana Natour biowatching Group, have decided to give ilbenvenuto the swallows that are coming to nest with a day difesta for next Monday, March 21: San Benedetto. And as the saying goes "SanBenedetto swallow under the roof" On that day, or thereabouts, as ogniprimavera, many birds return from the Sahara on the Italian coast after a faticosissimoviaggio of over 14,000 km.
for the worthy reception on the island of Elba, the middle schools and elementary studentidelle Marciana high have mobilitatirealizzando, with the help of the pharmacist in the country Antonio Carli, special boxes made nidiartificiali wood with holes for fast consentirel'ingresso of swifts and swallows were predisposteapposite for slats to allow the support of their natural nests.
Monday, March 21 from 10.00 the appointment will be with all of Marciana iragazzi high, with authorities and volunteers for the celebration of "Day dellarondine" that will be repeated in the years to help the "Winged Migration."

Pao. But

What Size Trowel For 3/4 Mosaic

It was the "Night of the Owl" and Blackthorn

It was the night of the owl. Indeed the European night dellacivetta! This year Italy adheres to the "European Night of the Owl" and thousands of people will emisterioso with respect to the fascinating world of owls.
The European Night of the Owl is an event born in Francianel 1995 by Jean Claude Genot idea, then repeated itself with scadenzabiennale in various European countries.
Every edition saw the participation of a number of people increasing degree, and in recent editions allapartecipazione we have reached over 50 000 people across Europe.
This year's event, now in its ninth year, will take place through the efforts of GIC anchein Italy (Italian Group for the Owls), which, with incollaborazione EBN Italy, set out to organize this moment on didivulgazione Civetta and other Strigiformes in the various regioniitaliane collaborating with the Entities park, nature reserves and oasiLIPU and WWF.
The European Night of the Owl and fresh-keeping is a popular event, which aims to raise awareness of eco-etologiadella owl and other Strigiformes (Owls) to a diverse audience ampioed. In Tuscany
two appointments in the WWF: Lake and Marsh Gardens diBurano-Bottagone.

acceded to previous editions of 14 regions (28località in 2005 and 35 in 2007) and last (2009) 13 with 37 locations.
The event has seen an increase in the number of localitàaderenti and participants from an average of 29 admissions per site in 2005, 33nel 2007, to 47 in 2009. Stimulating the presence of children hasuperato, in each case, 10% of respondents. Contact diStrigiformi 5 species in the first two editions: owl Athene noctua, Strixaluco owl, Otus scops owl, barn owl Asio otus and Tyto alba; pursues the in 2009, joined the eagle owl Bubo bubo. The owl is statacontattata in 78.1% of the sites, 56.4% in the tawny owl, the scops owl in 20%, 9.1% in the gufocomune and barn owls in 8 .6%. In all three editions, was well lacivetta
distributed throughout the peninsula and in this habitatdifferenti, confirming all'allocco together and all'assiolo buonaattitudine his singing, as opposed to the long-eared owl and barn owl that hannoevidenziato a reluctance to playback.

OASI WWF PROGRAM IN TUSCANY (reservations required)

-Lago di Burano
Meet at 18:00 at the Visitor Center. Percorsoall'interno Oasis Lake Burano, priming with the play-back of speciedi owls present in the Oasis. The evening
siconcluderà to h. 23:00
Info and reservations: 0564/898829 320.8223972lagodiburano @

-Reserve NaturalePadule Orti-Bottagone
In collaboration with the Val di Cornia Parks, the iniziativaprevede the meeting at 18.30 Nature Reserve at Oasis Gardens WWFPadule Bottagone (deviation per km. 40 5 SP Geodetic).
The program provides a first opportunity for formazionedidattica species of owls in our area andthe different vocalizations that characterize them. This will be followed, nelpiù absolute silence and from various locations, soliciting the play-backdelle species of owls that we can meet to Bottagone-Orti, and as ilBarbagianni Owl. To h.20, 30 will occur on trasferimentonell'ANPIL Sterpaia, with the guidance of staff of the Parks Val diCornia, groped for contact specieboschive of nocturnal birds of prey like owl el'Assiolo. The evening concluderàalle h.22, 30.
Participation includes free entry to participate in Oasis conquota for the guided tour and admission € 3 gratuitoall'ANPIL Bosco Sterpaia
Info and reservations: 334.7584832

Pao. But

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How Do You Get Rid Of Over Bite Without Braces

tortello in Borgo San Lorenzo

Spring begins to stage its flavors. First of all here in Borgo San Lorenzo blackthorn, Mugello excellence in food that can not get on the table next to the legendary tortello. The appointment with the "Festival of the blackthorn and tortello" is the Bore Boario on days 1, 2 and 3 and then again 8, 9 and 10 April. To make a worthy setting to tortello Blackthorn and the best grilled meat Mugello.
Al Foro Boario there will be the stands of local produttoriagricoli. The event will take place on Friday evening, Saturday lunch and dinner edomenica (info: 393 3585477-333 9015380 -


The owner of that flag, Iacopo Pierotti, pago'il his act of rebellion by exile, along with other pievarini. After unaserie steps of inheritance that same flag was found and dadomenica last March 6 is on exhibit at the Olympia cinema of Pieve de aFosciana during "All of the Tricolor," manifestation from Garfagnana rievocativaorganizzata local authorities, communities' and mountain dallaProvincia in Lucca. Pao Ma.
For the 4th annoconsecutivo the White Stork is back on its platform in the WWF Marshes Bolgheri!
To receive information on how to view the WWF diBolgheri (Castagneto Carducci) and Orti-Bottagone (Piombino) unagiornata devoted to birdwatching, visit oppuretelefonare at 334-7584832.
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Smelling Her Nylon Feet

opinion of a blogger

these are hard times. It takes your stomach to listen, watch or read the news about the tragedy, a double that hit Japan and People's Libyan sull'odissea that involves and affects all of North Africa.
I have a degree in Communication, working in the field of web communication: it 's why I am a very, very annoying to see in sites like Yahoo and Clear, the news of the tragedies of the above, mixed with other topics vital to all of us as cellulite Kate Moss, the end of history between Clooney and Canalis, showers inside the Big Brother house, and of course all the banners and creativity ', more or less invasive, the various advertisers advertising.
Titles bad facts, plagiarized articles on the right and left, badly written first and then badly copied. Without thinking that the media now more 'than ever before have the delicate task of only through the reliable information and verified, and avoid panic among the people frightened and distressed. Giving a priority 'sensible arguments.
Once, on TV as the print media, like radio, news, foreign policy were well recognized by the other, the white news, the gossip, the crime ... and then 'came the infotainment portmanteau of information and entertainment, a hybrid genre, a genre that serves the advertisers and those who sell advertising space, but does not help anyone in times like these.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gloryhole Jacksonville Fl

A Penne, Cummara to ffiure 2011

Third edition of a Cummara ffiure - ffiure to cumm 2011 Penne (Pescara) 24 25 and 26 June .
Pens Back to the summer festival dedicated to the ancient tradition of the renewal of the plates pacts of friendship and good neighborliness.
be because I wrote the post while making breakfast, instead of writing "pact of friendship," I wrote "food friendly"! It will also be because there is nothing better than eating with friends!
A as a backdrop to the feast of St. Francis Avenue, which this year will host the exhibition - the market "Viale del Gusto." In addition, musical performances and teatralli program, in short an excellent opportunity to visit and learn about the City Penne !

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dry Right Before Period


Aliprandi Coat color
public and I get some interesting information about the origins of the family Aliprandi send me the d October . Daniel Aliprandi , descending branch of the Lombard amiglia Aliprandi. By comparing the information on the family Aliprandi from me with those published in possession of Dr. Aliprandi differences have emerged that below:
contrary to what reported by my sources, about the family Aliprandi , John Aliprandi was not Flemish but Piedmont, a native of Mondovi.
According to a study by Professor. Greek candidates - pubbici on the website of Marconi, which is based in the Palace Aliprandi - made abundantly clear that John Aliprandi, who settled in the Abruzzo region in the wake of Margaret of Austria around 1575, but was not Flemish Piedmont native of Mondovi .
also states that this building is also called De Sterlich Aliprandi because the last representative of Aliprandi Penne Diego (1819-1910) had allegedly taken Sterlich de Diego (1898-1978) which, for the adoption , was added last Aliprandi than its original.
Aliprandi The family is originally from Milan, including, of course, the branch of the pens that moved in Piedmont and Lombardy, later, in Abruzzo . The emblem of
Aliprandi Penne is identical to the one that leads the family of Dr. Aliprandi, and about the explanation of the distinctive features of the coat of arms, called the blazon, is "the womb of eight pieces of red and silver, the gold Bisanti, located in the heart, full of black eagle, crowned the scope and language of red. " Finally
Very interesting explanation of the symbolism, "originally bore the coat of arms Aliprandi the "womb of red and gold" then modified after the grant to some members of the family by the Emperor Charles IV of Bohemia immediate vassal of the title (with the rank of nobility eminent), Count Palatine and the Holy Roman noble Empire, resulting in addition of the eagle symbol of the Holy Roman Empire ".
thank Dr. Aliprandi for your input. Here, reported the study of prof. Candide first Greek said:

What The Shag Band Colours Mean?

150 years of the Unification of Italy: two kilometers long Tricolore

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Tuesday, 15 March Alessio Bartolini will speak on "technical and ethical delBirdwatching" while
Samuel Fish on "Gliuccelli in the garden";

Thursday 17 March, meeting of waterbirds Paduledi Fucecchio (Alessio Bartolini);
Sunday 20 March
excursion in the Natural Reserve of delPadule Fucecchio, Tuesday, March 22, meeting "The birds of the woods and dellepraterie of the Pistoia" (Andrea Vezzani)

Sunday 27
March nell'OasiDynamo excursion. Meetings will be held at the Circolo ARCI Bugiani of Pistoia (viaErbosa No. 12) from 21.00.
E 'request a fee of € 30.00 (including ditutto), the course will be achieved if a minimum number dipartecipanti. For information and registration 328/9291177 (Alessio) - Info:
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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bushnell Sportsman 4-12x40 New

When poetry and mathematics come together!

'll count little, it is true, said the One
ar Zero.
But you're worth? Noffink: noffink own. Both partners thought as
inconcrudente vote and remain a thing.
I, however, if I'm going to lead
of five zeros as such to you,
you know what I get? One hundred thousand.
E 'question de nummer. A very nearly
is what happens dictator ar de
growing power and value of
more so 'je zeros are below them.


Peg Clock Plans With Wood

Welcome back to Bolgheri, white stork

Men and animals together to clean dune environments between Marina di Levante (Viareggio) and Bocca di Serchio (Old). The initiative is organized by the Park Regional Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli, along with the town of Viareggio and old, to Legambiente circles Pisa and Versilia, Oasis Lipu Massaciuccoli, the WWF Pisa. The event is scheduled for Saturday, February 26, falls within the Conservation Plan for post-Life "Dunetosca" and is located within the project of cross-border Italy-France "Maritime" Co.REM called "Cooperation of ecological networks in the Mediterranean" of the Park is a partner. Volunteers will be distributed between Marina di Levante in the north, in the district of Lecciona Reserve, Mouth and Serchio south, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Reserve Bufalina.La waste collection will be manual and will subsequently their differentiation. In fact, due to a possible long-term exposure to weather, the final screening must be done by professionals. Therefore firms Sea Geofor Viareggio and Pisa (which joined the initiative), will address the gathering and sorting of waste, depending on the platform of the various types of recyclables. To assist the volunteers in cleaning, we will, as an experiment, horses and donkeys trained to work and belonging to private individuals, not (as the town of Santa Maria a Monte) that put them kindly provided for the event. Participants at the event coordinated by the environmental groups will gather at 9 am at two points: one at a bar north of the reserve and an oasis Lecciona 2 Marina di Vecchiano. For information and registration
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Raylene Richards New 2010

Course birdwatching

The Centre for Research, Documentation and Promotion of Paduledi Fucecchio and Section Coop Valdinievole organizing two courses on "Wildflowers" and "Colors of nature "with meetings and visits in the classroom sulterritorio. Cornflowers, poppies, carnations and many other species spontaneedalle spectacular blooms, are disappearing from our fields; icosiddetti are "wildflowers" (wildflowers) increasingly used in the redevelopment of the garden landscape.

The course "Wildflowers: discovering the wild flowers" sipropone to give the basics for the recognition of variespecie in nature and cultivation of wildflowers in your garden. The incontrisi held during the months of March-May (beginning Friday, March 25) at lasaletta dell'Ipercoop of Montecatini Terme (PT), in addition to evening classes sonopreviste including two visits in the territory for the recognition of fioriselvatici. "The colors of nature to draw plants and animals" is an introductory course in design, aimed aprincipianti and designers experienced in order to increase the interesseverso its natural features. The course led by artist naturalisticoAlessandro bags will be held at the Visitor Center of the Padule from Saturday, April 2. SistemaEducativo made within the Province of Pistoia, the courses are for everyone to unnumero maximum of 25 participants: the membership fee is respectively € 40.00 (€ 30.00 for Coop) and € 90.00 (€ 80.00 for the Coop) unaparte the registration fee will be donated to the project "The heart siscioglie - sponsorship."

For information and registration contact the Center for RDPPadule Fucecchio tel. 0573/84540, fax, or point Members of dell'Ipercoop MontecatiniTerme; course schedule is available on the web pages / events / padeventi.html
Pao. But

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Where Can I Get The Incredible Holiday Light Show

The Origins of the family nobility Pens: Family Aliprandi

Coat of arms of the fam. Aliprandi
"The nobility in Penne was the importing. A local noble class did not exist, and Cultural Organization (Luca da Penne, Muzio Pansa, Giovanni Cola Salcon) was produced by the middle classes. A number of its origins . A little 'warrior is: it came to defending the party in the north-east of the Kingdom of Naples. Even in L'Aquila was coming to determine the same situation ". Thus saith Aleardo Rubini, about the nobility Penne in his book "History of Pens" in 1988, Fortunato Ambrosini Publisher - Penne. Among the families mentioned in the text, there are Aliprandi , came in the wake of Margarita of Austria as treasurers. The founder of
Aliprandi in Penne was John Fleming (on this point dispute, see also the article " orgini family Aliprandi " on this blog). "In the sixteenth century their coat of arms was a simple eagle crowned with the head turned to the left and the legs open. In the seventeenth century the original silver shield with the black eagle was put on shield gussets red and silver. The ; crest was reconstructed on a copy of the nineteenth century fresco under the main altar (see photo below) the chapel adjoining the Palace Aliprandi . A coat of arms in stone of 1648 is on the balcony above the portal Chapel ", taken from Capital Farnesiana Pens - The State Aprutino Margarita of Austria, Candide Greek - Cassa Rurale di Castiglione Messer Raimondo and Artisan publisher. A reconstruction of color on the blazon was provided by Dr. Daniel Aliprandi .
Chapel of St. Anthony of Padua
The Aliprandi palace in Penne gives the main facade on Via Martiri Pennesi and on the side of Corso Vestini. dates 1773, and was built on other existing buildings since 1600. The style is Baroque and the building is situated around a large courtyard which is accessed by a huge portal with a round arch, which is still visible family crest. The building has three floors, and had the classic division of the palaces: the ground floor stores, cellars and stables, upstairs private rooms to the servants and the administration on the second floor instead of the nobles lived. The palace is also called De Sterlich - Aliprandi because he married a De Filippo Aliprandi Sterlich.

the building adjoining the chapel which is first alluded, the work of Milanese Pitch and dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua. At the moment, this gem is facing very bad conditions. Richly decorated, almost like a theater. Indeed the Church has an internal balcony that runs all around the perimeter and is covered by a dome, clearly visible from Castle Hill. The origins of
Aliprandi are traced back to the Lombard kings, particularly Liutprando or Hildebrand. Among the illustrious Aliprandi, just John, steward and treasurer of the Duchess Margaret, who was governor of Gregory and Penne Domenico Aliprandi, cavalry commander during the reign of Charles VI. It seems that this family, over time, has completed various works of liberality in favor of the poorer classes.

Sources: in addition to those mentioned,
  • for the image of Palace Aliprandi, Amedeo Pomponi
  • for pictures of the chapel, Carlo Pilone (under the Photo Exhibition Pens: The Sacred Places of ).
  • Pens: palaces, elegance, nobility, nature, heroism ins. Lina Fernanda Marcotullio Frattaroli and in collaboration with the class B fourth and fifth A - AA 1987/88 School of Charles think of Penne.