happens at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Cesena on Sunday ... meetings to make scientific culture in Cesena. "In a city you do not enjoy the seven or seventy wonders, but the answer it gives to your question." Italo Calvino Sunday, October 18: HERBARIUM OF CULTURE AND BESTIARIo ROMAGNOLA, from 16.00 to 18.00. Guided tour in natural collections of the Museum of Natural Science of Cesena and playful spirit of scientific ViaTerrea care. Sunday, October 25: THE TREASURE OF CESENA, from 15.30 to 17.30. Departure from Piazza del PopoloCaccia sensory treasure of cultural and human CesenaPrenotazione mandatory: Piazza del Popolo, 15/16 tel 356 327 0547 iat@comune.cesena.fc.it
Sunday, November 22, from 16 30 to 19.00: ARACNE NIGHT. evening dedicated to the discovery of the terrifying and fascinating world of spiders. By Danio Miserocchi (Society for the Study of Nature Romagna). Sunday, November 29, from 16.30 to 19.00: MATHEMATICS (ART) NATURE. A brief exploration of the mathematical language of nature, Fibonacci Monica Bellucci through flowers and molluscs. We show you the way the prof. Fabio Semprini (Society for the Study of Nature Romagna) Organisation and fun entertainment for kids by scientific Via ashen