10 to January 31, 2010
an exhibition and a game for us and know other cultures, the Museum of Science
Natural Cesena
as a guest in the world is a traveling exhibition and has already stopped in 2009 in several cities in the region to name just a few streets in Ferrara during the festival of the journal "International" in Rimini in conjunction with the Intercultural Festival "Interaction" in Bologna at the House of Knowledge for Mondiali; in Reggio Emilia for the Notte Bianca.
The exhibition will be on display Venetian Loggia in the Museum of Natural Sciences at Cesena from 10 to 31 January 2010 * . The opening is
provided January 10, 2010 at 16 in conjunction with the presentation of "Together", a container of events (workshops, performances, screenings) on intercultural issues .
The exhibition is sponsored by Copresc (Provincial Coordination entities for the civil service) of Forlì-Cesena, Rimini, Ferrara, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Piacenza and has the support of Regione Emilia Romagna.
entities that are involved in the Emilia Romagna region, promote community service projects abroad which Aifo, Friends of Peoples, Pope John XXIII Association, Cephas, Municipality of Ferrara, Italy Ibo, Reggio Third World.
The exhibition consists of 20 panels "sail" measuring 80 x 200 cm, 5 macro identify areas where projects are enabled: Europe (Kosovo, Albania and Russia), Africa (Madagascar, Zambia and Tanzania) , Asia Mediterranean (Israel, Palestinian Occupied Territories and Cyprus), Indian Asia (India and Bangladesh) and South America (Bolivia, Brazil and Chile). In any country is one or more panels. The photos are were taken by some students engaged in community service projects abroad, so they look on the experience of host countries, a way of seeing but also "feel" the peoples and the inhabitants of the regions identified.
themes of the exhibition, which guided the selection of photos, are those the road and act as hosts to house the "other" . It is an attitude of respect, care and delicacy with which you try to ask yourself when you go to foreign countries to meet others, even before helping them. The road is important because in these countries is still the privileged place of encounter and exchange. Life unfolds along the roads and that there often is felt most strongly the feeling of moving as in "someone else's home." Actually it is not only a photographic exhibition because each panel is made up of photos with captions, drawing with caption
(this is a drawing of an object that has finished in the experience of the volunteer to identify that place) and phrase a writer (the theme of travel, road, meeting with the other.) The exhibition besides its purely artistic vision is proposed to open small windows on the many cultures of the "south" of the world. And the words of great writers or anthropologists (Erri De Luca, Marco Aime, Gide, Kapuscinski, Chatwin) can better expand our horizons.
* The Museum of the Venetian Loggia overlooking the main square of Cesena, Piazza del Popolo. The museum entrance is located behind the plaza across the bow of the walls.
Game host the world
hours 15 Sunday, January 17, 2010 - Museum of Natural Science
A week after the inauguration, will be built a game for adults and children that will give the opportunity for those participating to see some live objects designed in the exhibition and discover its use. Questions, tests of skill and luck complete "the game host of the world."
Opening Hours exhibition
Every morning in the opening days of the Museum, on Sunday at the times of the events of "Together". For more information