Cinema San Biagio 15 hours Cartoon News
video projection of Richard Sivelli / Mauricio Axon / Alberto Comandini 2009 Italy-Hungary-Czech Republic-Vietnam 22 min.
Cartoon News newscast is the first cartoon which addresses the problems of the world as told through the shocking news of the abandonment by the pole of the Penguins or racism that we would never be thought in geometry
Cartoon News is also the culture and society, these stories from the world of how a rat can learn to fly out of necessity, how it is resolved the conflict between fruit and vegetables that had lasted for centuries. Cartoon News is the news of the new millennium, comes into the news is not heedless of the fact that the subject is made of flesh and bones, plastic or even a sign in black and white
" the project is the result of four workshops of two weeks in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Vietnam and Italy within the European project "Changing Attitude Towards European youth of the developing countries with the help of migrants' path to the participating adolescents of various nationalities in order to talk through a cartoon, their views on issues of migrant populations "......
the Museum of Natural Science 17 hours sound
laboratory for all the "children" with Svetlana Tymoshkina within the project R2010 Recreation Leda Bags as in previous years, has developed the theme of creating a cultural renaissance-Recreation through three main channels (sound, vision, action). In container Together we offer the first of three parts which we will develop this year (sound)
The term Renaissance is used in the two previous editions in this last turned into recreation, just like the path of the previous two years suggested to us, it is an artistic act
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