We are collecting signatures in defense of scientific
journalists, teachers, parents, students, researchers, doctors, etc. who want to support our appeal can go to the website click www.anisn.it in defense of science education. A window opens, where you can leave the name at the bottom of the page
Thank you for your kind attention
have prepared the following document in defense of science education, the reorganization of secondary education in the approval process puts in danger, because of drastic cuts, the future of science education in our country and its development connected.
The undersigned, as representatives of teachers, parents and concerned citizens to the effectiveness of the school and the students 'future, ask the Minister of Education, University and Research to ensure that the reorganization of the Italian school, to recognize' science education a major role and adequate space.
1. All young people must be guaranteed the basic scientific training that they can: *
develop the knowledge, skills and expertise needed to interpret natural phenomena
* benefit fairly and aware of the achievements of modern science and technology.
1. It is necessary that the curriculum to "do science" is set according to an investigative and experimental approach, since the early years of school. Research International, European Union and OECD converge on this indication (1).
2. This approach requires time to perform the activity characteristics of the scientific method in acquiring knowledge, critical to the development of high-level skills. It is these that are of scientific value indispensable for the formation of the citizen.
3. The requirements described above contrast with the significant reduction of hours of experimental science that is found in almost all fields under the new laws. In the two-year technical and vocational schools, will decrease the time of the experimental sciences and halved the time for the laboratory thereby reducing it to a marginal role. In the two-year high school classic, artistic, even completely missing the teachings scientific experiments.
Reduce resources is counterproductive. We must, however, highlight what has been done to improve the teaching of science (ISS Plan - Teaching Experimental Science, Degree Project for Science, Research in SSIS for the initial training of teachers) taking into account the best educational experiences gained in the school.
Maintaining high motivation of teachers to upgrade their professional skills is critical for improving teaching and learning of experimental sciences in our country.
must therefore deploy more balance within the teachings of the total school time, giving time and space sciences, experimental work in all the appropriate addresses.
European Commission, 2007. Science Education NOW: A Renewed Pedagogy for the Future of Europe. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 29 pp.
Eurydice, 2006. Science Teaching in Schools in Europe, policies and research. Eurydice, the information network on education in Europe, Brussels, 93 pp.
OECD, 2006. PISA 2006 Science Competencies for Tomorrow's World, Volume 1: Analysis. OECD Publications, Paris, 390 pp.
OECD, 2008. Encouraging Student Interest in Science and Technology Studies. OECD Publications, Paris, 132 pp.
Association of teachers of natural sciences (ANISN)
For more information, to get names and phone numbers you can write to rosa.oa @ alice.it
Presidents of the three groups: Prof Anna Pascucci
Prof. Aldo handbags
Prof. Silvano Scrignoli