Charles Darwin showed that every thing on the planet depends on the other. The red clover, for example, thrives when it is visited by bumblebees, social wasps make their nests in the soil. But the density of bumblebees in a given territory depends on the density of the mice which destroy the nests and the density of mice from that of cats that hunt them. Since the abundance of clover promotes the growth of cattle and beef that gives strength and courage to the British population, the cats are the architects of the secret military successes in Britain, on the seas and in the colonies.
Thomas Huxley not hesitate to complicate the paradox. Go to the cats, but after all these cute animals such care benefit? But treatment of maids that dianime! It is they who have made England a great country.
Following B. Fischesser has closed circle, showing a negative feedback. If there are many spinsters is good because the British prefer to make war, not love, and go to sea, or overseas, leaving many beds and lonely vicars many kittens. So is the value of British soldiers to make the value of British soldiers, by bumble bees, mice, cats and single women ...
Ecology teaches us something like this: we live in a magic circle in which one must ask nature to save nature with nature. Source Giorgio Celli "Butterflies of Janus"
During the International Year dedicated to Charles Darwin, the renovated Museum of Natural Science of Cesena open all night
"not achieved the expected and unexpected paves the way for a god. " Euripides
From 19.00: Opening Night at the Museum of Natural Science and Buffet at zero miles. Tour of the museum and scientific animations with educators Viaterrea
From 20.00 Stefano Mazzotti, Museum of Natural History, presents: "THE YEAR OF DARWIN AND EVOLUTION" Video conference on life and the search of the great scientist English.
from 23.00 to 2.00, the Museum of Natural Science becomes: TOWER MEZZOVisita theatrical and sensory Tower Nuti to discover the charm of nature at night. From the tower we can observe the bustle of the city of Cesena and night of nocturnal animals that inhabit it, unsuspected ...
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