Friday, March 26, 2010
What Do I Do About Zits On My Scalp
more innovation, more common for a new business model
part of the celebrations for the 40 years of FERPI, the Delegation Lombardia Formaper organizes the conference with more innovation, more common for a new business model.
The appointment is for Monday, April 12 in Milan, at the Hall of Columns in Via Mercanti Palazzo Giureconsulti 2, from 10 to 13.
The meeting, part of the plan of joint activities that FERPI Formaper and carry on successfully for some time, was created with the intent to provide participants with stimulus and analysis tools useful to reflect on the changes that the company should take to make more efficient business model, even in the face of the consequences of the crisis. The central themes will be those of innovation, sustainability and communication as valuable tools to respond to new market demands. After the introduction of
Fabio Famoso, FERPI Officer of Lombardy, and Federico Montelli, Director of Formaper, the reflection will be initiated by the actions of Paul Anselmi, Vice President of GFK Eurisko, Stefano Poguz, Director of the Master in Economics and Management and the Environment Energy Bocconi University, and Giampietro Vecchio, Vice President of FERPI, which outline the scenario in which companies are now operating, framing the theme of change from different disciplinary lenses.
Following this, the testimony of three companies - especially small and medium - tell through their experience along such roads to innovate the business model and better meet the challenges of the market.
10.00 - OPENING
Montelli Federico, Director FormaperFabio Famous, CEO FERPI Lombardia
10.30 - understand the changes
The changing marketplace: consumers more aware, more responsible companies
Paolo Anselmi, Vice President
GFK Eurisko Innovation and sustainability: new opportunities for the company tomorrow
Poguz Stefano, Director of the Master in Economics and Management of Environment and Energy, Bocconi University
communication, strategic tool and ally for SMEs
Giampietro Vecchio, Vice President FERPI
The development of human resources
Bruno Agnelli, AD BEM Service Center
Review, diversify, upgrade the offer
Canevese Alessio, Owner and Head of Development and Research Antidiva
New services for the new venture
Rossella Sobrero, President Koinètica
12.15 pm - 12.45 pm
Participation in the meeting is free.
is a confirmation of participation:
FERPITel. 02 58312455E-mail: @ delegazione.lombardia
FORMAPERTel. 02 85155344E-mail: relazioni.esterne @
How To Find Adaptor Fordartboard

The Parnassius apollo is a fragmented into numerous species and subspecies breeds common in the mountainous regions of Europe and western Asia.
E 'of considerable size (up to 9 cm. Wingspan) and quite striking in its flight where alternate planing to sudden waste, with a characteristic slight rustling noise produced by the wings.
E 'traceable, usually in colonies of a few tens up to several hundred people, on the sunny slopes or meadows bloom offshore (from 700 to also 3000 meters high).
In recent decades the species has since reduced its areal distribution, especially in Central Europe, mainly due to afforestation and acid rain, which alter the pH of premium plants (Sedum, Sempervivum sp.) , so much to be submitted to a strict regime of protection, like the Papilio hospiton (protection of CITES).
Mesi | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII |
This |
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Larvae | | | | | | |
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Pupa |
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Imago |
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The insect is fairly routine, and it is not unusual to revise the same specimen perch, for the night, in the same grassy areas also at a distance of several days.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Fonts For Academic Poster
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Mixed Wrstling Cartoon
Back appointment with IAB Seminar, the annual event dedicated to analyze and investigate specific issues, disciplines "vertical" and "best practices" related to the internet and the world of digital communication interactive. In a historic moment in which, in less than a year, social media experienced an exponential growth of traditional users and publishing has had to face a web market again changed, IAB Italy is organizing a morning of work to analyze and illustrate how it is changing the concept of content on digital media and how this affects communication and business models of companies. It will discuss Association representatives, corporations, operators and industry experts with a view of exchange and collaboration between all stakeholders in the system in order to highlight the opportunities offered by the Internet medium through scenario analysis, methodological advancements on the peculiarities of the relationship between content and social media, without neglecting the aspects related to measurement and web analytics, all surrounded by best practices and case histories of successo.La participation in the seminar is free by registering online:
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
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In January 2010 are 23.2 million active users, an increase of 12% compared to January 2009. On the day average are 11.3 million active users, for 1 hour and 43 minutes and 181 page views per person. All values \u200b\u200bare in growth compared with the month of January 2009: the average daily active user growth of 20%, as well as time spent (+8%) and page views (+3%).
10.6 million 12.5 million women and men active in the month, mostly between 35-54 years (9.5 million) and 16-34 years (8 million). Access the Internet for 47.8% of the population of North-West (7.2 million active users), 43.4% of the North-East (4 million), 42.7% of the Centre (4, 2 million) and 37.6% of the South and Islands (7.6 million). Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Lombardia are among the regions with the highest rate of online activity (respectively 49.9% and 49.4% of active users on the target group). The distribution
use of the medium has a greater concentration on working days (Monday - Friday) with 11.9 million active users, 183 page views for 1:42 a.m. minutes per person on an average day, while on weekends (Saturday - Sunday) are 10 million active users, with 174 page views for 1:44 a.m. minutes per person on an average day.
The afternoon slot is part of the day, the highest number of accesses to the Internet: between 12:00 and 15:00 am, in fact, almost 6 million active users who access the web. The value is high throughout the afternoon to reach the peak between 18:00 and 21:00 with 6.161 million active users, connected for an average of 38 minutes. During the evening and night time periods (21:00 to 03:00) time spent per person increases, exceeding 40 minutes.
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Milan, 03.10.2010 - "In 2009, the annus horribilis for the global ICT market, Italy has widened the technology gap with other countries recorded a contraction of IT among the most consistent, that to -8.1%, compared to an average decrease of the global industry - 5.4%. Among developed countries, ours is the one who, in 2009, has increased over the gap between GDP (-5%) And IT investment (-8.1%), revealing a country that turned in on itself, with certain exceptions, seems to have lost courage, afraid to invest and take risks. The Italian disinvestment in Information Technology, amounting to 1.657 billion euro, is a warning sign of retreat to the country's competitive low-level structural arrangements that threaten to condemn us to stagnation. Public institutions, businesses, appear trapped by an approach from breathing too short, he can not go beyond the horizon of the emergency quota. They are, in fact, set back all the parameters of the market: -14.8% hardware, software - 3.6%, services - 6.5% -10.3% large enterprises, medium - 7.3% -8.0% smaller. Innovation, an essential tool for development, seems to have disappeared from the vocabulary of political and economic crisis measures. With this background 2010 will be a very difficult year. Our estimates indicate a negative trend for the sector of -3.1%, which will widen the gap with GDP (1%). He used no uncertain terms Paul Angelucci, President of Assinform, in presenting the data today in Milan anticipation of Assinform Report 2010, photos of a heavily affected by the crisis in the IT industry.
also applies to the TLC, the Report highlights Assinform a phase of suffering, a decrease of -2.3% of the market. Some of the bulwarks of the field seem to have entered saturation in crisis. In particular, mobile telephony, the ICT sector that has driven for 15 years, marks the first downward trend down the consumer segment, the active mobile lines, the Sim, recording a decrease of -1.5%. In overall terms, the national ICT market declined by - 4.2%, falling to a value of € 61.771 billion (in 2008 was of 64.463 million euro), compared with -1.5% at worldwide. Although
IT - continued Angelucci - with 400,000 employees and 97,000 businesses, is the fourth industry of the country, not only collecting the proper attention from politics, but its economic impact and employment, and its potential in the process of development of the country are largely undervalued by the institutions. Yet, to overcome the crisis and pave the way for growth, Italy has no choice, must continue to invest in Information Technology. This requires action that is a clear signal of trend reversal, before a policy for innovation and development. It should be in this sense, our proposal for scrapping the software is as a measure of incentive for innovation for the Made in Italy, both as support for employment in the IT industry. The application software, in fact, are crucial for the modernization of enterprises, the economy, and constitute the heart of the PA the value added by the industry in Italy. In the production of software, IT employment Italian concentrates most qualified, already tested by the loss of 16,000 jobs in 2009, if the data estimates are confirmed, is likely to leave in 2010 to house another 8,000 employees.
The latest economic survey carried out by Assinform in February 2010 on a representative sample of associated enterprises (including SMEs and large enterprises), confirm, unfortunately, negative predictions of employment. The hemorrhaging of jobs, affecting both employees (-8.15 sample firms) they make above, external consultants (deteriorating for 26.4% of companies). The largest decline was borne by large enterprises, of which 54.5% said they use less external workforce, very often, unfortunately, made up of employees of medium and small enterprises in the sector.
President Paul Angelucci also announced three major initiatives Assinform. In terms of finance for innovation - said Angelucci - we are about to conclude a first agreement with a major innovative bank that provides medium-term financing for companies that invest in IT including, for the first time, the intangible components ( software and services). At the same time we have set up a working group to address in a practical and pragmatic the issue of tariffs downpricing IT. The downward trend in professional fees, in fact, is an anomaly all Italian, which stifles investment in human capital of IT firms, which represents as much as 26% of company revenues, while penalizing the customers and the quality of their projects and services . There is a risk of impoverishment Italian information technology professional. We must find a path that takes us out of this vicious circle. In terms of research and development, finally, we are committed to enhancing both the many good practices found in IT Italian, who promote a policy of aggregation of the industry. The goal is to produce innovative solutions shared to help supply and demand to grow, even from a perspective of the internationalization of Italian IT companies, carriers of "made in Italy technology."
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Digital Frame N-dpf712

Friday, March 5, 2010
One Peace Sweat Suite
March 5, 2010 - In the section Facts and figures publish the table Fcp Press Centre - Federation dealer advertising, with the ' trend in the advertising market for newspapers and magazines in January 2010 . The data are compared with the same period last year.
The table is accompanied by a commentary Centre where, among other things, states that "the trend in advertising revenues of the press in general has considerably improved both while maintaining a downward trend over the previous year (-4 , 7%).