birthday parties with entertainment science at the Museum of Natural Science of Cesena. To enjoy a day of celebration of science and nature.
The parties are directed to all children between three and sixteen years, the museum offers space and animation. For infotmazioni: cell. 340 3949462 infoviaterrea@gmail.com
Here is a brief list of entertainment on offer:
1. Guided tour of the Science Museum for children and adults
2. Animation "THE CASE OF THE NATURALIST," a mysterious suitcase with everything in the world of naturalists. Discover the techniques of observing nature, with all that hides ...
3. Animation "GAMES OF LONG AGO", the games of grandparents who tell us the nature of the past. We will play some games once (tops, pupae, strings ... to discover the value of the game)
4. Animation "PRINCIPLES six-legged, to the discovery of the insect world (with pictures and living specimens)
5. Animation "DARWIN FROM SMALL, animated reading of Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution explained to the children
6. Animation "GARDEN IN ACTION" mini horticulture science laboratory for children. Pots and plants to color the world
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