Culture: 1300 students for the project Fipsas From the Mugello Today, February 2 is the "World Wetland" eil WWF Italy celebrating next Sunday with the opening of these four extraordinary di15oasi, Lake Burano, Lagoon of Orbetello, Orti diBottagone oasis affiliated with St. Felice is located in Tuscany. Italy, Mediterranean bridge between Africa and Europe daipiccoli him to the great white stork. Our wetlands are permolti''a pit stop,''a kind of service area along the highways dellemigrazioni for resting, feeding, as well as nesting.
Many species also from Northern Europe''''overwinter InItalia: an example are the wild geese, which have already arrived from Holland.
Preola Lake - Round Gorghi SICILY
Saline di Trapani Sicily
Lake Alviano UMBRIA
Lake Conza
Orti-Bottagone TUSCANY
Ripa Bianca Di Jesi Le Marche
Oasis Marmirolo EMILIA ROMAGNA
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in Fucecchio Marsh census of wintering waterfowl has made an exciting result: nearly 8,000 specimens, which confermanol'elevata regional importance of this area. The census is part of an international project dimonitoraggio of waterbird populations promoted at Digrandi biogeographical region (Western Palearctic) by Wetlands International in Italy held under the auspices of the Institute for the Protection and Environmental laRicerca.
In Marsh is organized by the census CentroOrnitologico Toscano and Research Center of the Padule hacoinvolto this year and as many as 10 detectors enabled ISPRA and 15 collaborators have covered the whole area wet foot or by boat (canoe center ebarchini padulini guided by experts).
speciediverse 27 were detected for a total of 7881 birds, an increase of 16% over the previous year (6796 birds), when it already showed a positive trendnotevolmente.
Particularly numerous Teals (3530 units), real iGermani (1475), coots (535) and Lapwings (452), with discretepresenze for water less common in our area, as the Pochard (221), for the first time in the Marshes were also surveyed two esemplarisvernanti of Avocet, a more common waders in salt or brackish water Chein freshwater.
In terms of quantity, this year leconcentrazioni more were recorded in the riservanaturale Pistoia, where they were counted more than 3529 specimens, namely il44, 8% of the total, to understand the meaning occorreconsiderare these data that the nature reserve with its 206 acres rappresentasolo 10% of the surface of the Marshes.
The percentage of admissions rose to 73.6% over allariserva if we take into account the Oasis of Forest Protection and Padulettadi Ramone and the area closed to hunting than the Marconi, managed by ATC, and al92, 4% if narrows the field to ducks and coots (excluding herons, lapwings, etc..), attending almost exclusively protected areas.
The census of wintering waterfowl costituisceun important date because that business, practiced with the stessametodologia since 1984, is one of the measures of effectiveness delleattività management of the protected area, it shows a steady increase, especially since 2000 when the birds can benefit degliinterventi improvement made in the protected habitat.
For information, please contact at washtimes RDP Fucecchio Marsh (tel. 0573/84540,; full details of the census are sullepagine web / events / padeventi.html.
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Paolo Maggi
years now, the WWF at this time to rally volunteers who will, starting in February and subsequent months until aquando will be necessary to manually carry the amphibians, and in order to raccoglieredati barriereantiattraversamento build on sections at risk and, where possible, underpasses and small ponds direalizzare alternative. Anyone wishing to respond to the call or just learn more about the WWF has organized
Friday, January 21 2011, ore21: 15, at Villa Peyron, being Vincigliata, Fiesole (near right ofa crossing points where action is taken in Amphibian settimanesuccessive), a public conference to promote disalvataggio operations with video-projected images of interventions act.
For further information contact: WWF Section Regionale Toscana - Amphibian Conservation Group-cell. 338.3994177
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