addition to erosion even the senseless habit of tourists to take away the pebbles.
Beach Oasis of Bolgheri, where one of the few sititoscani Fratino playing successfully with a few couples, not èesente effect determined by the deposit of waste,
returned from the sea after being gettatiincautamente or voluntarily by 'man in the ditches and rivers and arrived almar with floods, or from passing boats.

8am, 30 - meet at the parking lot of a Gineprino MARINADA Bibbona (at the end of Via dei Platani) (latecomers can reach the point informativodella initiative located at the end of footpath leading to the beach Gineprino)
9 am, from 00 to 13.00 Clean up the beach from Gineprino alRenaione (southern border of the WWF Marshes Bolgheri) gloves and bags from sarannoforniti ASIU
h.15, 15 - 17,30 - Free guided tour of the Oasis (only peri volunteers who participated in the initiative)
For organizational reasons dellapropria is asked to confirm participation by contacting the direzionedell'Oasi 18/02/2011:
cell. 334-7,584,832th-mail: responsible WWF Paul Marsh of Bolgheri Mariapolis var _gaq _gaq = was released = document.createElement ('script'); ga.type = 'text / javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol? "https: / / ssl ':' http:// ') +''; was s = document.getElementsByTagName ('script') [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (ga, s) ; })();
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