Spring begins to stage its flavors. First of all here in Borgo San Lorenzo blackthorn, Mugello excellence in food that can not get on the table next to the legendary tortello. The appointment with the "Festival of the blackthorn and tortello" is the Bore Boario on days 1, 2 and 3 and then again 8, 9 and 10 April. To make a worthy setting to tortello Blackthorn and the best grilled meat Mugello.
Al Foro Boario there will be the stands of local produttoriagricoli. The event will take place on Friday evening, Saturday lunch and dinner edomenica (info: 393 3585477-333 9015380 - www.sagradeltortello.com).

The owner of that flag, Iacopo Pierotti, pago'il his act of rebellion by exile, along with other pievarini. After unaserie steps of inheritance that same flag was found and dadomenica last March 6 is on exhibit at the Olympia cinema of Pieve de aFosciana during "All of the Tricolor," manifestation from Garfagnana rievocativaorganizzata local authorities, communities' and mountain dallaProvincia in Lucca. Pao Ma.
For the 4th annoconsecutivo the White Stork is back on its platform in the WWF Marshes Bolgheri! To receive information on how to view the WWF diBolgheri (Castagneto Carducci) and Orti-Bottagone (Piombino) unagiornata devoted to birdwatching, visit www.wwf.it oppuretelefonare at 334-7584832.
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