The Centre for Research, Documentation and Promotion of Paduledi Fucecchio and Section Coop Valdinievole organizing two courses on "Wildflowers" and "Colors of nature "with meetings and visits in the classroom sulterritorio. Cornflowers, poppies, carnations and many other species spontaneedalle spectacular blooms, are disappearing from our fields; icosiddetti are "wildflowers" (wildflowers) increasingly used in the redevelopment of the garden landscape.
The course "Wildflowers: discovering the wild flowers" sipropone to give the basics for the recognition of variespecie in nature and cultivation of wildflowers in your garden. The incontrisi held during the months of March-May (beginning Friday, March 25) at lasaletta dell'Ipercoop of Montecatini Terme (PT), in addition to evening classes sonopreviste including two visits in the territory for the recognition of fioriselvatici. "The colors of nature to draw plants and animals" is an introductory course in design, aimed aprincipianti and designers experienced in order to increase the interesseverso its natural features. The course led by artist naturalisticoAlessandro bags will be held at the Visitor Center of the Padule from Saturday, April 2. SistemaEducativo made within the Province of Pistoia, the courses are for everyone to unnumero maximum of 25 participants: the membership fee is respectively € 40.00 (€ 30.00 for Coop) and € 90.00 (€ 80.00 for the Coop) unaparte the registration fee will be donated to the project "The heart siscioglie - sponsorship."

For information and registration contact the Center for RDPPadule Fucecchio tel. 0573/84540, fax, or point Members of dell'Ipercoop MontecatiniTerme; course schedule is available on the web pages / events / padeventi.html
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